Sunday, 20 December 2015

Why hasn't he called me?

Why hasn't he called me?

I pressed my head against the cold window, a cold freeze of the glass chilled my skin. I could feel the mild trembling on the window caused by the whipping rain. Wearing winter clothes, I still felt cold; despite I was indoors. The droplets of water struck one by one against the glass. Beyond the window, a glassy sky; distorted by the rain, blended in the colors of gray.

I pulled down my glasses, making the corridor opening before me, dull and distorted. The world around me lost all shapes and I could only see lights of gray in a blue hue. I looked outside of the window; staring far. The objects close to the window were blurry but I could clearly see the windows of the apartment blocks far, far ahead.

In the rain; I could see blazing light. A roaring fire coming from downtown. With a racing heart, I started trembling.

But a sharp sound broke the silence, it was my phone ringing. I pulled down my glasses as I swiped my phone open. The call showed a familiar name on the screen; sighing in relief, it was him.

(10 minutes speed-practice, focusing in a visual style!)

December - Xmas, what next?

I've been writing a little bit less lately. University has taken a great chunk of my time. There has been quite a lot of stress. It seems that I will have a lot of studying during my holiday, so I won't really have a vacation of any sort. I'd like to take this moment to say merry x-mas to all!

ps. I won NaNoWriMo! The end result was horrible, but a win is a win.

Though, I don't have a short story to give out, I've been working on a few longer ones. In addition to that I have a type of writers block right now. It must be the prolonged darkness and a black winter without snow, that is striking me down. No matter how much I'd try, every time I write; the story ends up being a heartbreakingly sad one. - Perhaps I need the white snow in my environment.