Thursday, 29 October 2015

A novel in 30 days!? Halloween in 2 days; Short Story NOW!

Halloween is here in two days. What is a better way to celebrate it than writing more stories. Here is a little teaser of what might happen in October 31st ~ tee-he!

I have practiced impro writing for NanoWriMo. You can read more about in here! 

My plans for the NanoWriMo is to go with a not-so-serious story and escape my comfort zone. The only things I have planned is that the story is going to just have one hero or heroine, and a bunch of bad guys. I really have no idea what it will become like. A disaster or a success!?

Either way because naming characters is tedious and boring, I am going to name them all by colors. 7 villains and 1 superhero! A girl or a boy? I don't know yet.

But enough of NanoWriMo bellow is part I of the improvised story!

The Bridge with no End - Part 1

The air was warm and mellow. Sparkling raindrops fell from the treetops, a dazzling rainbow arched against the cloudy sky. Sun blazed against the rainclouds, forcing it's radiant beams to shine from the heavens. Birds started chirping again and insects basked in the light, drying their wings.

Sparkling raindrops fell from the treetops, a dazzling rainbow arched against the cloudy sky. Sun shun radiantly the rainclouds away, conquering the day as it's domain. Birds started chirping again and insects basked in the light, drying their wings. The air was warm and mellow.

A young boy was running into the woods with a flashing umbrella in his hands. His father walked behind him like a lumbering giant in the boy's imagination. Inside the woods the air was colder, but breathing the air made one to feel alive.

As the two traveled, the songs of birds was being dampened by the sound of raging water. The first insects had dried their wings and set off into flight. Like fireflies in the night, the insects glowed brightly in the sun against the rapid stream. But the fresh water hid a dark danger beneath the surface. And occasionally like a silvery arrow; a fish emerged from the dark waters lunging towards it's prey, to swallow it in one bite.

The boy and the father observed this scenery from up above of a wooden bridge. The older was remembering in melancholy how his father took him to this place. The younger gazed there with big round eyes; leaning against the safety railing, memorizing every miracle that took place in here.

Every now and then, the clouds still darkened somewhere and rain poured for a brief moment before stopping. It was a day when the phantasmal barrier that twined between your world and mine was wide open. Drifting spirits floated in the woods and fields alike.

There was magic in the air.

But the sun eclipsed unnaturally. The father did not notice this, but the little boy gasped in awe. Mist surged in from the borders of the woods and night fell in a minute. Every last voice of the forest was snuffed silent by the supernatural. The leaves in the treetops turned red and the bark was white, but the boy remained silent and relatively calm.

The man he thought was his father had turned into a gnarled wooden statue. At the end of it's transformation it extended it's hand forward towards the little boy. He tried to run but his path was blocked. Twines had grown from the wooden bridge.

Like a jack o' lantern replacing his head, two eerie blue flames burned from the hollow eye sockets of the timber monstrosity. It hissed a voice of longing. And the brambles of the bridge had turned into hands of petrified children; sculpted from wood. The deceptive illusion broke down gradually and the bridge as whole, was not a man made bridge; but a bridge made of man. It was sculpted from humans – human souls; trapped over centuries in the forest and they were wailing for their empty need for a new friend . . .

(To be Continued!)

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